Monday, April 12, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Please Say Tehillim

Subject: if can pls forward this info
Date: 4/12/2010 4:54:43 P.M. Central Daylight Time

We are seeking to unite in saying the Sefer Tehillim daily for the entire month of Iyar, to be mevakesh for a refuah for Rabbi Dr. Benzion Allswang, òî''åù – Benzion ben Batya Gittel

We are aiming to divide the Tehillim into 30 parts, with participants saying the same 6-7 designated perakim daily (although this can be reduced to 3-4 if needed).

May the month of  Iyar with the acronym of: "Ani – (Shem) Hashem -  Rof'echa" give this project added strength.

 If you are available to join in the saying of Tehillim for the month of Iyar,  please call Goldie Kacev at 847-568-1854 (evening) or 773-603-9813 (day).

May we share in Besuros Tovos.


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