Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fw: Tonight at 9:30pm! Call in to a special live teleconference on behalf of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin!

Call in tonight at 9:30 pm

to a live

Chazak Teleconference 

on behalf of 

Sholom Mordechaim Rubashkin



Divrei Hisorerus and Tehillim:

Novominsker Rebbe, shlita

and Rav Avrohom Schorr


Dial in numbers:

Chazak - 718–258-2008 press option 9 selection 9


212-461-5860 pin number: 4294#


712-432-8787  pin number: 223344


The Chazak Teleconference is L'zecher Nishmas an incredible bas Yisrael,

Rachel a"h bas y"bl Uri (Kaufman), who was tragically taken away from Klal Yisrael on Monday,

and l'refuah sheleimah a 4th grade Monsey boy in very critical condition

Refoel Yosef ben Rivka (Please say tehillim now for him!)



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