Friday, May 14, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. SANHEDRIN PEREK CHELEK 90 B WHO IS AN APIKORES ?

Q:Who is an apikores?

A:The Brisker Rav says if the person does not believe in the Rambam 13 principles of faith the person is an apikores the Chazonish says someone who argues on the mishna gemara once there time period has ended is an apikores Rav Moshe in the Igros Moshe writes if the person write an article against shas or chazal the person is an apikolres and is considered a non jew for a laws the Shach says if the person embarrasses a talmid chacham the person is an apikores the Chafetz Chaim says someone who speaks lashon hora about a talmid chacam is an apikores the Maharil says people do not realize how bad it is to embarrass a talmid chacam so the person would not be considered an apikores the Tzitz Eliezer brings the Maharil and is makil Rav Chaim Soloveichick argues someone who does not know about Moshe our mashiach it is sad but this person would be an apikores and pasul to do shecitah Chazonish argues on Rav Chaim and is makil this person shecitah is not pasul this person is a tinok shenishba.

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