Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. SANHEDRIN PEREK CHELEK 102 LAWS OF SPEECH AND COVETING

Q:Does someone with parents say kadash yasom can you lie to cevras reshaim to uproot them and is their an isur of lo tacmod by an item that someone else has that is mass produced that you buy in a store and is their an isur of lo tacmod by forcing someone to let you borrow something

A:The S"A says you should be careful how you talk the poskim say a person with parents does not say kadesh yasom. The poskim say yes you can lie to uproot a cevras reshaim but the Satmar Rebbi in Divrei Yoel argues it is a big deal you have to be careful even when signing something. By an item that is mass produced that you buy in a store and someone else has the same item is not an isur of lo tacmod and the Shevet Halevi brings and paskins like the Tezda Cemed that forcing someone to let you borrow something is not an lo tacmod other poskim say it should be avoided due to other problems.

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