Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. SANHEDRIN PEREK CHELEK daf 92 BREAD ON THE TABLE

Q:What is the rule the poskim bring about bread on the table and why

A:The S"A says you have pieces of bread on the table and you bring a full loaf is bad the M"B says why 1. you need to leave pieces for the ani at end of meal 2.thank Hashem 3.and to get beracha you need bread on the table poskim nowadays ani dont come at end of meal so that reason dosnt apply but reason 2 and 3 still apply but you dont need big pieces the M"B says you should not bring slices of bread to the table when there is a full loaf on it P"M says when you have slcices and full loaf dont leave it the M"B argues you are alowd to leave it especially for kavod shabbos the K"H says for beracha(reason 3) and thanks to Hashem (reason 2) to work in a yeshiva each table needs bread

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