Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] On Shavuos -- Davening for Refuah Shelaima as Aseres Hadibros are Read

as a follow up to what Hakhel wrote last week.. about aseres hadibros..
Hakhel put this note in today's bulletin:

e.  Last week, we noted HaRav Elyashiv Shlita's, teaching that one should
daven for a Refuah Sheleima when the Aseres HaDibros are read on Shavuos
morning--as Bnai Yisroel were healed then and we are re-experiencing that
very Mattan Torah anew!  A Rav advised us that he feels one can actually
think about the Refuah Sheleima needed at the time the Aseres HaDibros are
themselves being read (not make the request vocally).  If you would like to utilize the Eitzah of a Gadol
HaDor, you may want to consult with your Rav or Posek in advance as to his
opinion on the optimum time and method of accomplishing this great task!
Bracha VeHatzlacha!

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