Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Please Daven for Rav Shlomo Klein

Tefillos for Rav Shlomo Klein

Sunday May 23, 2010

All are asked to say Tehillim for Rav Shlomo Klein, the esteemed longtime director of Camp Ma-Na-Vu who is need of rachamei Shomayim following an accident at the camp. Rav Klein, a veteran mechanech for over forty years, was at the camp in Parksville, NY, when he suffered a fall. Rav Klein did not immediately recognize the injury to his head, but was subsequently flown to the hospital and has been under the care of physicians. All are asked to daven for Rav Shlomo Betzalel ben Rochel Leah.

Rav Klein, who has been the director and owner of Camp Ma-Na-Vu since its inception over 30 years ago, also serves as the menahel of the Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin elementary school in Brooklyn, NY. His personal devotion to each and every student and camper is well known and it is hoped that he will merit a speedy and complete recovery.(source - Yeshiva World)

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