Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fw: Levaya/Shiva Information

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Sora Polsky a"h, mother of Simcha and Leibel Polsky.
The levaya will take place tomorrow (Thursday) morning, 8:15 AM at Shaarei Tzedek Mishkan Yair. Kevura will be in Eretz Yisroel on Friday. The Levaya in Israel will be on Friday at 2:30 pm in the parking lot of Har Hamenuchos.
Shiva Motzei Shabbos and all day Sunday will be at Rechov Dovid Bazov 20 in Ramot Gimel. They can be reached at 02-586-5014 or 052-857-8569
Shiva in Chicago will be at 2909 W. Estes beginning Monday through Thursday morning.
Shacharis Tuesday-Thursday at 6:45,
Mincha/Maariv Monday-Wednesday at 8:00
Visitors are requested not to come between 12-1 and 6-7
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