Friday, June 4, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. SANHEDRIN PEREK CHELEK 112 SHAITELS ; THE REAL STORY


Q:Do I have to burn my shaitel from India

A:The S"A says cut hair that is put in front of a"z there is no ciuv to burn it the Teshuvos bring down a machlokes of Hindus what to do with the hair it is not the hair that they use for their a"z but the lack of hair that is important but maybe it is mase shecitah but that does not seem to be the metzios people who cut the hair are just barbers the gedolim and poskim say you do not have to be concerned your shaitel is from India as long as it is not jet black hair if it is jet black hair you might have a problem ask a shilah

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