Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. MAKKOS DAF 11 THE VALUE OF HUMAN LIFE

L"N Chaya Sara bas BARUCH MORDECHI(TANTE)AND L"N Pesia bas Rav Yaakov(Boby Polsky) on her yortzeit

Q:When is the mother or someone else aloud to kill her fetus is the fetus a rodaf if someone is punching you our causing you busha through onas devarim can you fight back and what about going to a non jewish court to defend yourself from being informed on

A:The poskim say a fetus that is threatening the life of the mother is not a rodaf b/c Hashem is causing it if mother life is at risk you need a Rav Movhak to tell you to kill the fetus but if you kill the baby after its head comes out it is considered murder then we let nature take its course but the mother can kill it the poskim say if someone else does it he is not ciev but the Brisker Rav says part of the matzios of threatening someone life is a basic respect a rodaf or murderer does not have life of his own he loses that zecus so he can be killed and the killer does not get the death penalty but when the baby head comes out he does not lose his zecus when he is threatening the mother if someone else kills him he would be ciev.The Chinuch says by a case of busha through onas devarim or punching you you can defend yourself and the Mordechi says if someone informing on you in a non jewish court you can go and defend yourself.

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