Friday, June 18, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. MAKKOS DAF 13 CHECKING FOR BUGS

Q:If rov lettuces do not have bugs why dont we use rov and say there are no bugs how much infestation needs to be checked what is the 3 step process for getting rid of bugs are frozen bugs permitted broccoli is hard to check what is a good way to get rid of bugs

A:The S"A says when a meut is common we do not say rov which applies by lettuce.The Mishkinos Yaakov and Rav Shilomo Zalman Aurbach say a 10% infestation needs to be checked Rav Elyashiv says a 20% infestation needs to be checked.The 3 step process for checking for bugs is 1. soaking in soapy water 2.rinsing in water 3. bedikah(checking for bugs).Some organizations say a frozen bug is like dirt no ciuv malkos others say bugs body chemicals are not rotted so it is a problem. Rav Shilomo Zalman Aurbach says if you put the broccoli in a blender the bug is broken into pieces and is batul so you can serve the broccoli(why is this not a case of having intent to be mivatal it b/c you tried your best to check it).

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