Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. MAKKOS DAF 17 COPEPODS IN NYC WATER


Q:Does NYC water need to be filtered b/4 drinking it if yes is there a sevara to be makil what about shabbos

A:In the water there are dead copepods I can see them they are there need bedikah there are 20% bugs in the water check all glasses yes there is a sevara to be makil Rav Belsky says the S"A says any sheretz that grows in a glass of water and remain in the water is muter to consume and do not say it is a sheretz hamiem(water) b/c that is only in oceans not a kli if it is formed in the kli it is muter where was the copepods in the NYC reservoir then they go to your glass at home man made not an ocean so the water is muter w/o filtering but we have an obvious problem with this heter the S"A says any type of big man made body of water is asur Rav Belsky not a problem the S"A case is where the fish are connected to some body of water(ocean) here no body of water for those who are machmir how do you drink water on shabbos there is a problem of borer and do not tell me I wash my hands to filter out bugs and take a drink that is not a good excuse most kashrus organizations avoid NYC water b/c there are dead or alive beria of copepods

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