Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. MAKKOS DAF 18 ALIYAH FOR THE BLIND AND BRACES AND MIKVA


Q:Can a blind or person who can not speak get an aliyah and can a women with braces go to the mikvah'

A:The S"A says a blind person can not get an aliyah b/c it needs to be read the Rema brings the Maharil who says a blind person can get an aliyah like an a"h(a person who can not read hebrew)
M"B and Sharei Tzion say for parshas zachor do not rely on this heter the A"H sees a problem with the Rema comparison an a"h can learn to read hebrew but a blind person can not learn to read hebrew halacha lamasa though the A"H brings the Tosfos Yeshanim who says a blind person can get an aliyah b/c reading is lecatcila no reading bedieved is ok.By someone who can not speak the P"M says a shocet who can not speak can do shecitah he can not speak someone else makes the beracha for him so to by an aliyah.Rav Elyashiv brings the S"A there is a din of chatzitza by a nidah what about inner parts of your body like the mouth you do not have to open your mouth but no meat should be stuck between your teeth. Rav Moshe says something removable in the mouth like denchers need to be removed but fillings not removable do not need to be removed.Rav Elyashiv says braces are a chatziza and you must get your braces removed b/4 going to the mikva

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