Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. MAKKOS DAF 19 LEAVING ERETZ YSRAEL


Q:Is a young couple alowd to leave E"Y(Eretz Yisrael) to live in C"l(cutz laretz) for no apparent reason

A:The Ramnban says you can not leave E"Y you are losing your mitzvah of yishuv E'Y the Kafto Vaferach says the kedusha of E"Y was by Hashem promise to Avraham the Chasam Sofer says the kedusha started in the beginning of creation Rav Shternbauch says the mitzvah of yishuv E"Y still applies nowadays based of Chasam Sofer and Kafto Vaferach the kedusha of E'Y applies nowadays and he brings a ria from a Chasam Sofer who says you should go to E"Y for the 3 regalim for the kedusha so a young couple should not leave E"Y to live in C"l for no apparent reason

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