Friday, June 25, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. MAKKOS DAF 20 ELECTRIC SHAVERS


Q:Which electric shaver can you use on your beard

A: The Trumas Hadeshen says it depends on the shaver if it presses against the skin using the skin as a backboard like a norelco and panasonic shaver are a problem but if it protect against the blade it is like a scissor and muter. The Chacmas Adam says a razor cuts below the skin to expose skin but a scissor does not expose hair under the skin. So if your electric shaver exposes hair under the skin it is like a razor and it is asur but if your electric shaver does not expose hair under the skin then it is like a scissor and is muter.Rav Moshe would pluck a beard hair and see if the electric shaver would cut the dangling hair if it did it is very sharp and like a razor so its asur but if it did not cut the dangling hair its like a scissor so it is muter

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