Monday, June 7, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Please daven ASAP


 Dr. Chava Zimmerman's mom (Mary Lillian bas Amy) is in the ICU and needs our prayers, please daven now and keep her in mind when you daven tomorrow please, many thanks.


"There are two ways to live your life, one is as if there are no miracles , and the other is to live as if "everything " is a miracle."  Albert Einstein
The only failure we may suffer in life is when we give up trying.

School is where we go to learn the lessons, then take the test.  However, in the school of life, tests come first and then hopefully we learn the lessons.
(Told over by Rivka Leah Goldman at a conference on Beetachon and Emunah in Baltimore 12/2/09 and found at:


A smile is the cheapest face lift! Doesn't hurt either.
If you see the best in everyone around you you will always be surrounded by the best people! (Chava Zimmerman's aphorisms)


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