Monday, June 7, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Rubashkin - Not Guilty!

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Date: Jun 7, 2010 3:31 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Rubashkin - Not Guilty!

He still faces federal bank fraud charges but WOW! HODU LASHEM KI TOV... KI

Sholom Rubashkin has been found not guilty on all 67 misdemeanor child
labor charges, media outlets report.WCF Courier reports: Former
Agriprocessors executive Sholom Rubashkin has been acquitted of
allowing minors to work at the Postville slaughterhouse.The jury
indicated they had reached a verdict shortly before 1 p.m. Monday.

»Jurors acquitted him of all 67 counts of child labor
violations.Rubashkin is awaiting sentencing on federal bank fraud
charges in connection with loans Agriprocessors received. Federal
immigration charges stemming from the May 2008 raid at the plant were
dropped earlier.State labor officials began investigating information
that minors worked at the plant in the months before the May 2008
immigration raid.

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