Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Updates on Moshe's son

1st update
From: Shmuel Sackett [mailto:Shmuel@manhigut.org]
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 2:53 PM
To: 'Shmuel Sackett'
Subject: Update on Moshe's son

Moshe's son, Dovid Yosef ben Faiga Perel, has been moved to the intensive care unit at Shneider's Hospital in Petach Tikvah. He will be watched very closely for the next 24 hours to see the reaction he has to the procedure performed a few hours ago. He has a serious head injury but the exact damages are not yet known at this time.

When he entered the hospital he was responding to the doctors. That is a positive sign, although I do not know if he was talking.

Dovid, 16 years old, is a volunteer fireman and had just finished a shift in Alfei Menashe. That town is about 15 minutes from where he lives and he – and the other young volunteers – was being driven home by one of the adult firefighters. I do not have a full report of the accident but it seems that the car he was a passenger in swerved out of control, hit the side rail and was then smashed by the car behind. Every one on the car was injured, although Dovid was the only one injured seriously. All others sustained light injuries.


2nd update

From: Shmuel Sackett [mailto:Shmuel@manhigut.org]
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:02 PM
To: shmuel@manhigut.org
Subject: Update on Dovid Feiglin #2

Rhonda and I were at the hospital today. Since Dovid is in "intensive care" all people visiting can only sit and spend time with Moshe and Tzippy in the waiting room. Baruch Hashem, the room was full of neighbors and friends.

This was my first time – since the accident – that I spoke to Moshe. He told me that while things are still in the danger stage, there is a ray of hope. The main concern of the doctors is Dovid's brain and they are watching that closely. In addition to the brain injury, Dovid's eyes were badly damaged as well. Many bones were broken in his face below the eyes (cheekbone area) and one of his eyes is in serious danger as well. In addition, he suffered injuries to his lungs and hip. Moshe told me that Dovid is getting amazing care from the medical team and that every one is giving Dovid their top attention. Moshe even told me that in the intensive care unit there are several non-Jewish patients from Europe whose parents flew their children to Israel to Shneiders Childrens Hospital . (How ironic is that ???!!!) This hospital is known as one of the best children's hospitals in the world and Moshe and Tzippy are very confident in the ability of the doctors.

 While I was there, a new CT was taken but so far, no results were given.

 As far as the accident is concerned it seems that the car in front of Dovid did a totally random and illegal U-turn. The car that Dovid was in swerved to get out of the way and as a result hit the side rail and crashed directly into a big street light. The car behind them hit them as well. Baruch Hashem, Dovid was wearing a seat belt or things would have been much worse. I have attached pictures of the car after the accident. Dovid was sitting in the front passenger seat and sustained the direct blow from the big light poll that hit – and fell – on to the car. As you will see, the car literally wrapped around the poll.

 Two hours ago, Tefillot were said for Dovid in Meron (by the kever of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai), Ma'arat Ha'Machpela ( Hebron ) and by the Kotel. All Tefillot are welcome anywhere in the world.

 I will be coming to NY this Friday and wanted to organize a Tehillim gathering by the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Ohel. As you know, Moshe is related to the Rebbe and comes from a long line of Chabad Chassidim. For those reading this in the NY area, please email me a time when you can meet. I would like to meet around 10 or 11AM.

 Let's pray for good news.


 Pictures of the car:


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