Friday, July 23, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. SHEVOUS DAF 25 GIVING TZEDAKA

Q:How do you give tzedaka is maser diurissa or dirabanan what are some benefits of giving tzedaka

A: The S"A says you should give the amount of tzedaka if you are able to but the Rambam says give tzedaka till you are not able to give.There is a machlokes if maser is dirabanan or diurissa the Chofetz Chaim says nowadays anis are every where so maser is diurissa the poskim say always say bli neder to avoid neder issues when giving tzedaka.Everybody must give a shlish shekel which you fulfill by giving a dollar at the door.The S"A says tzedaka saves you from ra and HASHEM will have mercy on you when you give tzedaka


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