Friday, July 30, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. SHEVOUS DAF 29 WORDS TO AVOID(NEDER AND SHEVOUS PROBLEMS)

Q:What words should you avoid b/c of neder and shevous problems why isnt the Hadran by finishing a mesechta have bli neder

A:The poskim say you should avoid I promise I swear b/c it might be a shevua avoid yes yes truly you should also avoid I forbid you to touch this b/c it is a neder that needs to be matered.Children should be taught not to use these words from age 12 but if the child kavanah i9s for stealing and does not know about neders it is not a problem.You should also avoid on my life.Rav Chaim Kinevski says there is no bli neder on the Hadran by finishing a mesechta is b/c he doesnt have in mind for it to be a neder.In all cases and especially by learning 1 should always say bli neder

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