Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] A Personal Plea

A Plea to the Women of Chicago,
This has been a year filled with every type of natural and man-made disaster, on an unprecedented scale. We have seen numerous earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, flooding, wildfires and extreme temperatures. Oil continues to gush into the ocean, with no end in sight, destroying fish, birds, turtles, beaches and nature reserves, leaving our coastline a toxic mess. Politically, and economically, we feel uncertain and unsafe. We have seen a financial meltdown, with people losing their homes and businesses. Families are in crisis. Our hearts are breaking for those who are suffering from terrible illnesses. Terrible acts of violence have been committed against Jews in countries around the world, leaving us in shock. We have davened for Gilad Shalit, Jonathan Pollard, Rabbi Rubashkin, the young men imprisoned in Japan, and Martin Grossman a"h. We have watched as Iran has become more and more of a threat, and we see Hizbullah and Gaza rearming.  We are apprehensive about the future, and yet, we are optimistic, because we know that Moshiach is so very, very close.
What is the answer? How do we cope? How do we strengthen ourselves in Emunah and Tefilla? As we prepare ourselves for the tragic day of Tisha B'Av, in a year that has seen so much pain and upheaval in Klal Yisroel and the world, we must come together in the spirit of ACHDUS, to pour out our hearts to our Father in Heaven. The very act of gathering together to beseech mercy for Klal Yisroel, gives us comfort. We are not alone. We are all in this together! We gain strength from each other, we bring nachas to the Ribbono Shel Olam, and we awaken His middah of rachamim. 
So, I appeal to each one of you, PLEASE come to the Aneinu Tehillim kinus this Sunday morning, July 11 at 10:00 AM to Cong KINS. Let us show our Father that we have learned the lesson of the churban, that we are united in love and respect for each other, and that we know that we have no one to depend on; only Avinu She'bashamayim, our Father in Heaven. Let us show Him that we are ready for the geulah.
Wishing you all a good Shabbos,
Chaya Miriam

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