Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I am emailing you to ask all of you to pls take 3 - 5 min of ur day tomorrrow @ 11 AM to pls say @ least one paragraph of tehillim for her, that the test should go well, and reveal what ever it is that is causing her to suffer as terribly as she has been for the past two yrs or so..

Her name is Chana Brynna bas Elka Aviva.

Thank you very much, and if you work in an office with others who have the authority to take a 3 - 5 min break tom @ 11 AM, whom I don't know pls pass this along to them and ask them to do a stranger a favor and to pay it forward. You never know when gd forbid you might need that favor paid forward back @ ur direction.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much for the help..

Zev Sheps

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