Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fw: 30th Chabad Telethon - Tonight at 8:00 PM

Rosh Hashana AD
Dear Friend, 
For 365 days-a-year, the dedicated men and women of Chabad worktirelessly, 24/ 7, to provide counseling, advice, and assistance topeople in need.  Chabad's miraculous network of community centers andsocial service programs have become a lifeline to children andfamilies in need of food, shelter, education and rehabilitation.  Inthe Chabad spirit envisioned by The Rebbe, we have an "open door" andan "open heart" policy to anyone in need of a helping hand:  no one isdenied assistance due to lack of funds. 
You may ask, How do we cover the tremendous cost of operating ourcritical serves?  The answer can be seen on national television thisSunday:  The 30th Annual Chabad Telethon hosted by Larry King. 
Since our very first broadcast in 1980, donations to the ChabadTelethon provided the funds to help Chabad help countless people.Whether it's a teen struggling with addiction in search of directionand counsel, a family in desperate need of food and shelter, Chabadhas become the address for thousands of people who turn to us forguidance and assistance. 
But we cannot do any of our important work without your help.  For 364days-a-year, people turn to Chabad for help. Today we are turning toyou, our friends and supporters, for your help! 
Can we count on you?  Please take a moment today and "Do a Mitzvah forChabad" by making a contribution to the Chabad Telethon at: 
We will try our best to acknowledge your contribution on the livebroadcast, hosted by Larry King, this Sunday.  For a list of localstations carrying the Chabad Telethon, please visit: 
On behalf of the countless people who turn to Chabad for help, wethank you in advance for your generous mitzvah.  In the merit of yourkindness, May you and your loved ones be be blessed with a healthy,happy and prosperous New Year. 
Rbbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin
Chabad... People Helping People

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