Sunday, October 24, 2010

[chicago-aneinu] Pidyon Shvuyim

Guess what. She lives in Iowa. Sound familiar?

There is a frum woman who needs our help- it won't take much time for you to do, but it can help her tremendously.

Wendy Weiner, a frum woman, (actually my neighbor's sister), is in the middle of a huge crisis. She is a movie producer by trade. Recently, the state government of Iowa asked her and others to do a few things to help boost Iowa's economy. Afterwards, the program in Iowa was shut down. The Governor of Iowa charged her for felony- even though she was doing EXACTLY what she was told to do! These charges are seemingly Anti-Semitic, because the other 25 people who did similar actions were released and freed from all charges. Only the frum woman remains. Now if convicted, she is facing 25 years in jail. She has a husband and four children who need their mother to come home.

You can read more about her story on her blog. It is amazing to read about her bitachon in these times.

There is one thing she asks of every Jew who hears her story: "Now I ask you to think about one mitzvah that you did yesterday, one you'll do today, tomorrow and every day. Please identify a simple little mitzvah that has become so routine that you barely remember doing it 5 minutes later. I am not asking you to take anything on that is new. Got one? Great! Now, make the commitment that for TODAY, you will do it “b’simcha” for Zeva Rochel bas Chaya. You can help me by adopting this attitude for one mitzvah you do every day

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