Friday, October 22, 2010

[chicago-aneinu] Please Daven


Ruchama Sheindel bat Henya Gittel Miriam - Jenny Morhaim (in London), wife and mother of 3 girls.

I have been informed that Jenny suffered a heart attack yesterday and is now on a life support machine. They discovered that she had a brain tumor that she was unaware of. The situation is very serious.

Please daven and ask Hashem to send a refuah shelema to our dear anduniquely kind hearted friend Jenny in London. She is married to my close friend Josh and I am very close to the amazing Morhaim family (Hannah, Alan, Sammy and Zak) who pretty much adopted me when I lived opposite them in my single days in Edgware, NW London. A greater, kinder, more hospitable Jewish family you would be hard pushed to meet anywhere on the planet. We are also friends with Jenny's brothers Simon and Alex, father Howard as well as Simon's wife Joanna. Our hearts and love go out to them all at this very challenging and testing time.


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