Sunday, October 10, 2010

[chicago-aneinu] Fwd: Urgent Appeal

Dear Community Member,

Last night a fire drove a family from their home. B'chasdei Hashem

everyone got out in time and no one was hurt. But nearly everything was


Its erev Shabbos and they have no clothing or furniture, no linens or

toys, no sforim or lechter. Many families have invited them for Shabbos

meals- but what about after?

Fortunately, they live in our community- where people really take care

of each other. Chicago Chesed Fund will be stepping up and providing
them with assistance. Please show them you also care by making a
contribution to Chicago Chesed Fund. Checks or credit card

donations can be sent to the address below, or given through our


Have a good Shabbos

HaRav Shmuel Fuerst

HaRav Dovid Zucker


7045 Ridgeway Ave.

Lincolnwood, IL 60712


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