Friday, October 29, 2010


A member of our Chabura Yehudah Tzvi Ben Elisheva is asking for your prayers. This Wednesday he went into Cedars Sinai for an extensive surgery to reconstruct his left femur. It will be a 5-6 hour procedure. The most important part of the surgery will be the removal of the titanium rod that is presently lodged in his leg. The last surgeon was unable to remove it and for the rest of the surgery to be done correctly it must come out.Many years ago he had a similar situation. A woman’s group through Shema Yisrael Torah Network set up a mass davening for me at the Kotel during the surgery. The Dr. said it was a miracle as he was able to remove a broken rod that had actually fused with my bone. It was said to be an impossible challenge, but the rod just slipped out easily. He is humbly asking for your help now by davening and having good thoughts for an easy and totally successful surgery for: Yehudah Tzvi Ben Elisheva,

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