Saturday, October 16, 2010

Worldwide Tehillim Call

R’ Fishel Todd who is the Executive Director and Worldwide Coordinator of the Shulchan Aruch Project and Shema Yisrael is requesting everyone involved in the project say Tehillim for his mother Chana Zissel Bas Ester who is due to have an emergency Surgery this Monday at Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center in New Brunswick, N.J. R’ Fishel’s mother is one of only 13 survivors from an area that had 6000 Jews before the war in her town of Kalush which was then Galitzia Poland and now it is Ukraine. Due to R’ Fishels mothers advanced age and condition the Dr was reluctant to make the operation. R’ Fishel then called upon the Gedolim of our generation who responded when asked that the Dr. proceed.

R’ Fishel’s son R’ Yosel Avigdor Shilita upon hearing the report said immediately that in this weeks Parsha Lech Lecha we also learned about an operation (bris mila) and Avraham Aveinu asked Mamrei also about his operation [rashi 14:13 in Lech Lecha], who also advised him concerning particulars of the operation. R’ Fishel advised the Dr. of the Gedolims instructions that the operation proceed. R’ Fishel explained to the Dr. the concept of Emunas Chachamim and that the one doing the healing is the Malach of Hashem Yisborach. R’ Fishel further added to the Dr. that the bigger the Dr. the bigger the Malach, so R’ Fishel added in his usual style that “I hope you are a big Dr.”

R’ Fishel’s grandmother Ester bas Avraham H’KD fasted forty from Rosh Chodesh Elul until Yom Kippur plus every Monday and Thursday. When R’ Fishel’s family moved to Lakewood N.J. his mother made sure that he go to Yeshiva never imagining one day from this one survivor with this one son would come a perush on Shulchan Aruch and 10’s of thousands of talmedim around the world. We ask all who can to participate in this Worldwide Teffilla of Chana Zissel Bas Ester.

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