Monday, November 29, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Tehillim Tonight on the Phone

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Date: Nov 29, 2010 7:09 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Tehillim Tonight on the Phone

I received the following from an Aneinu Member:

Dear Friends,
I am writing  to ask for your help. My father is having a serious eye surgery tomorrow early in the morning and I am organizing a Tehillim session for him tonight. It will be a conference call, at 9:30pm tonight.
Here's how it works:
We all call in to the conference # and put in the access code (both provided below). Then my friend, Esti Deutsch, will tell us which Chapter of Tehillim we will read together. Our goal is not to finish Sefer Tehillim, but to read 5-10 chapters together, with a united voice, storming the Heavens to ask for a successful surgery for my father.
 Please have your tehillim books handy when you call in. I am not yet sure how many chapters we'll do together, but there are specific ones pertaining to refua, and those are the ones that Esti will  most likely choose. 
Here's the dial in #:
1 (605) 475-4333
access code: 975189
Please reply to and let me know if you can join us on the call at 9:30pm tonight. May the merit of this call bring the zchus that my father (BORUCH BEN FENYA) needs to have a successful surgery and may all of cholim in Klal Yisroel have a refua sheleima b'karov.
Thank you!!

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