Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Tonight! Emergency Tehillim Teleconference

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

From: myysbyy@aol.com
Date: Nov 30, 2010 2:31 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Tonight! Emergency Tehillim Teleconference
To: Myysbyy@aol.com

This choleh, Yitzchak Chaim ben Sarah,  has been on the Chicago Aneinu cholim list for many years. Sherry Dimarsky a"h originally put him on the list. He has suffered one tragedy after another. Please join us tonight for Tehillim to daven for his refuah shlema.

Dear Ladies,
Thank you so much to everyone who came on the conference call last night and who davened for my father. Boruch Hashem, the doctors are calling the surgery a success and my father is home. He will be evaluated tomorrow and, bezras Hashem, everything  will continue to go well and his eye sight will return to normal.
But our work is not done.
As you can see from Natasha's email below, Yitzhak Gitlevich needs our tefillos once again. We will have emergency tehillim for him tonight, at the same time (9:30pm) and on the same conference #.
Chaya Miriam Wolper has graciously agreed to lead us in Tehillim tonight.
Here's the dial in #:
1 (605) 475-4333
access code: 975189
Please reply  to my email  and let me know if you can join us on the call at 9:30pm tonight. May the merit of this call bring a refua sheleima to Yitzchak Chaim ben Sarah and may all of cholim in Klal Yisroel have a refua sheleima b'karov.
Thank you!!
Hi Elisheva,
 Please forward the following information.
 I am writing with some bad news about Yitzchak Gitlevich.  Last night we discovered a new brain mass which has been causing him a lot of headaches and vision problems.  He immediately went to Mayo Clinic and is being admitted there today.  The plan is to have a brain biopsy tomorrow and hopefully have a diagnosis by the end of the week. Depending on the diagnosis, he will likely require intense therapy.  I want to ask everyone to daven for him for a refuah shleima.  His name is Yitzchak Chaim ben Sarah. 
Thank you,

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