Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Please Daven! - Fires in Israel Out of Control

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Date: Dec 2, 2010 1:41 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Please Daven! - Fires in Israel Out of Control

From an Aneinu member:

I just hung up the phone w my friend n israel who told me tht Unnatural Fires
are burning out of control n northern Israel. 40 people hve died, 20 more
fighting fr their lives, tons evacuated out of their homes. People are running
away n yet the fires are soo rampant tht they are rachmanus.. Being burned
alive. All public parties are been cancelled n instead the whole country is n
mourning . The Rabbonim are urging everyone to STOP all fires of machlokes n to
make shalom between Adam l'chavero! The fires of AnGER must be quenched!!
Tehillim n tefilah are the tools being used to try n stop these totally out of
control fires. Other countries are being asked fr help. It's a terrible Tzara fr
israel and all Jews around the world!!

Tonite, as you light the fires of Yr menorahs, take a few minutes to imagine the
horrors of this uncontrollable fire n Eretz yisroel n say some Kapitals

The people are being burned alive... Kibbutzim n Moshavim have burnt to the
ground... Hashems Wrath is showing. Do Yr best to take the FIRE out of Yr hearts
n bring light n shalom into Yr world!!

May Hashem hve rachamim n stop this fire n the zchus of our combined tefilos!!

-- updates day 2
updates day 3
updates day 4
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