Thursday, January 6, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] Setback for Dafna ArElla - Please Keep Davening

Dafna Ar Ella bas Dina Malka was hospitalized again today. She's been having a severe upset stomach for the last week along with other symptoms that mimic the original symtoms she had when the blockage first appeared. Tests are being run while she's being carefully monitored to determine if there is another blockage, her intestines haven't yet properly been able to work, or if she has a virus on top of the intestinal surgery. Other functioning tests are also being done.

Please continue daveing for Dafna Ar Ella bas Dina Malka and having her in mind when saying the bracha asher yatzar.

May she continue fighting for and have a refuah sholaima along with all who need! May our unity in davening for her and others as well as a heightened awareness of the nissim involved in how Hakodesh Baruch Hu constantly renews and maintains our bodies catalize renewal and yeshuos on every level as we go into Shvat! I will continue to keep you updated with what, b'ezras H", should be b'soros tovos.

Good Chodesh,

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