Monday, January 10, 2011

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Tehillim Gathering Tuesday for Baby Dafna Erella

Young Israel of West Rogers Park will be having a Ma'ariv service and a group tehillim reading for a refuah sheleima for Dafna Erellah Goldberg (Dafna Erellah bat Dina MalkaTUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11th begining at 8:00 p.m. at the shul.  As young Dafna continues to face challenges, we ask that everyone continue to keep her and the entire Goldberg family in our thoughts and teffilot.

If you are in Chicago, we appreciate you attending.  If you are receiving this email in another location, we appreciate you please davening and saying tehillim on Dafna's behalf at 8PM CST, if possible.  Please pass this and Dafna's name to others too.  Dafna Ar Ella bas Dina Malka

Dafna is presently not absorbing any nutrients and keeps dehydrating.  Her digestive system is not functioning.  It's not yet known why.  She's been tested for various diseases.  The tests did show that her hearing was damaged from the antibiotics but to what extent is also unknown.  Right now, enabling Dafna to be hydrated and absorb nutrients seems to be the focus.

We greatly appreciate everyone's continued tefillos, achdus, focus when saying the bracha asher yatzar and fervently daven for a refuah sholaima for Dafna Ar Ella bas Dina Malka and all who need.

B'soros Tovos,
Eliza Jordan

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