Monday, February 14, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] Baruch Dayan Ha'Emes

Dear Aneinu Members,

Baruch Dayan Ha'Emes. With deep sorrow I must inform you of the loss of "Chaya Miriam bas Lieba Rifka", Mrs. Marilyn Adolf, sister of Mr. Victor Katz, Binyamin Katz, Fishel Katz, and Fraidel Katz-Bodenstein, mother of Liba Malka Ringel, Paula Dembitzer, and Chani Krasne. The kevura will be at Waldheim, Harlem ave. entrance at approximately 4:30. Mr. Victor Katz will be sitting shiva at 6319 N. Lawndale from Monday night through Wednesday morning. Shacharis Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30, Mincha/Maariv on Tuesday at 5:00. The rest of the family will be sitting shiva at 4707 16th Ave in Brooklyn and can be reached at 347-423-6776 or 718-435-1628. Mr. Victor Katz will be joining the rest of the family at 4707 16th Ave in Brooklyn Wednesday afternoon. May her family be comforted among the mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim. May we hear besoros tovos.

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