Monday, February 14, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] URGENT: Please daven!

*Dear Naaleh Friend,

We have just heard of a young newlywed, married only four weeks, who was
admitted to the hospital with a severe infection to his brain. He is in
critical condition, and the doctors are trying to inject antibiotics
directly into his brain in order to save his life.

Our united* tefilot*, prayers, have worked miracles before. Please take the
time to recite chapters *90* and *91* of Tehillim, for a complete recovery
for* Michael Pinchas ben Fraycha Fani*, along with all of the *cholim* of Am
Yisrael .

In the merit of all of Klal Yisrael davening for each other, may we merit
the ultimate redemption soon.* *

May we only hear good news,
Hally Goldstein and the Naaleh family

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