Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Nachum Segal Presents JM in the AM Live From the United Hatzalah of Israel Offices

Find out about this crucial organization that plays a major role in saving lives throughout Israel. With many special guests.
Nachum Segal continues his great week in Israel with a visit to United Hatzalah of Israel. United Hatzalah of Israel is an independent non-profit fully volunteer Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Organization that assists in responding to medical emergencies throughout Israel. The primary role of United Hatzalah volunteers - trained and certified as EMTs, Paramedics and MD's - is to provide an immediate response within 2-4 minutes from the onset of an incident: establishing a life-saving bridge of medical care; transmitting vital information to control centers and once the local ambulance service arrives, working alongside its crew to enable a swift transfer to hospital. United Hatzalah's education department is an innovative leader in the fields of public health, safety and accident prevention training. Nachum's distinguished list of guests to the show this morning included: Daniel Katzenstein, Administrative Director of UHI, Eli Beer, President of UHI, Jerusalem Council member Elisha Peleg,Yonatan Razel, Mr Harvey Schwartz Alex Goldberg and Aaron Watson, Rabbi Zev Leff, Yosi Landau, Zvi Sand, Rabbi Dan Chanan, Assaf, and the renowned Professor Alan Dershowitz. Click the link to listen to the great interviews, find out about United Hatzalah of Israel's crucial work, stories of their impact, and much more.

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