Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nachum Segal Presents JM in the AM Live From the Yad Sarah Organization in Jerusalem

Yad Sarah is the largest voluntary organization in Israel, providing free or nominal cost services to enhance life for sick, disabled, & elderly people.
Nachum brought JM in the AM to the Yad Sarah organization this morning, continuing his great week in Israel; higlighting some of the organizations and causes that are vital for our brethren in the Holy Land. Yad Sarah, the largest voluntary organization in Israel, provides a spectrum of free or nominal cost services designed to make life easier for sick, disabled and elderly people and their families. Yad Sarah's mission is to keep the ill and the elderly in their homes and out of institutions as long as possible. Home care in the natural environment of the family is most conducive to healthy recuperation, both physically and emotionally. It also costs both family and State much less. Nachum's list of special guests this morning included Susan Silkes, Yad Sarah Driver, David Rothner, Mickey Schindler, Legal Aid for the Elderly, Leah Weinberg, Rachel & Kathy Bergwerk, Shmuel Treisman, Michael Benson & Chops Levi, and Elaine Pomerantz. Click the link to listen and find out all the information about this incredible organization.

For more information or to make a donation call 866-YAD-Sara, visit the Yad Sarah website, or the Friends of Yad Sarah website.

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