Thursday, March 31, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] Join Women Worldwide This Sunday

In Chicago there will be a community-wide Tehillim kinus for women, as part of a worldwide Yom Tefillah on behalf of the 2 boys who are still imprisoned in Japan;

This Sunday night, April 3
Sha'arei Tzedek Mishkan Yair, 2832 West Touhy Avenue,
8:00 PM.

Their verdict is imminent, and soon their fate will be sealed. In this time of geulah for Klal Yisroel, it is appropriate that we come together to cry out to Hashem to grant freedom to these 2 Jewish neshamos.

After Tehillim there will be a short video made specifically for this event. This is what I was told about the video:

"This video is very powerful. I would suggest that you have tissues available. Spread the word as best you could, because this is really something people should see."

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