Wednesday, March 16, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] Please Daven 4 Avrohom Yisroel Yehoshua ben Chaya Leah

The following is a letter submitted to by R’ Avrohom Zweiback.
May R’ Avrohom have a refuah sheleimah:*

Hi, it’s Avrohom Yisroel Yehoshua Zweiback. I would like to thank everyone
for being *mispallel* for me. I just had my fourth relapse of ewing sarcoma
in the spinal area and I am currently paralyzed from the waist down. Hashem
will help and one day I will be able to walk and use my legs again.

I want to relate a *moshol* that I heard from Rav Moshe Rabinowitz *shlita*. A
lady asked her husband to borrow oil from a neighbor, so he takes garbage
bags and asked for oil. She says, “Sorry, wrong *keili* for oil. You need a
cup.” Then she asks her husband for flour, so he goes with a yard shovel.
Again he is told that it is the wrong *keili*.

A person goes to Hashem and says, “I need a *bracha*, like *parnassah*, *
yeshuos*, and *refuos*.” Hashem says, “What should I pour it into? *Ein kli
machzik bracha ellah hashalom*…the only way to get *bracha* is *shalom*(peace).”

I am asking whoever can to please make *shalom*, in personal matters or with
friends, as a *zechus* for me. The reason why I picked *shalom* is that even
though a person may be right, he tells Hashem, “I will make *shalom* anyway
and therefore You should also look the other way even thought I did *aveiros
*. In this case, AYY Zweiback doesn’t have the *zechuyos* and *nissim* on
this magnitude, but since I am being *mevater*, You should also look the
other way with ourselves and him.

*Yasher koach.*


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