Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fw: Give to the OU's Victims of Terrorism Fund

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From: Orthodox Union <>
Date: Mar 13, 2011 4:45 PM
Subject: Give to the OU's Victims of Terrorism Fund

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The heavens wept and the quiet solitude of Shabbos was shattered as
news surfaced of the bloodthirsty terrorist attack in Itamar, Israel on
March 11, 2011 that claimed the lives of Rabbi Ehud and Ruth Fogel and
three of their children, 11-year-old Yoav, four-year-old Eldad, and
three-month old Hadas. The only survivors of this barbaric attack were
the Fogels' 12-year-old daughter, who returned home from a Shabbos oneg
to be victimized by the horrific scene, and two younger brothers, age 6
and 2, whose lives were spared, though irrevocably altered, as they
slept through their family's darkest hour.

Assuredly, words are incapable of capturing the feelings of rage, sorrow
and helplessness that consume the Jewish community at a time like this.
Try as we might to cope with our collective despair, our mandate in the
wake of such incomprehensible tragedies must be to rally to the care of
the innocent victims. Even as the leadership of the Orthodox Union
deafens the world with a fierce cry for justice, we beseech our brothers
and sisters to join us in expressing solidarity and support for the
innocent victims by contributing to the OU's Victims of Terrorism Fund.

The Jewish community is forever committed to care for its own and the
time will yet come when the sorrow and mourning we share will be
transformed into gladness and light.

May the Fogel family and all Israel be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem

Dr. Simcha Katz

Rabbi Steven Weil
Executive Vice President
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