Wednesday, April 13, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] Fwd: Community Safety

Dear Family,

We received this email from a member of our Beis Medrash a short while ago:

"There is an individual trying to scam money from residences and business on and around Touhy, usually with a scam story like "my son needs asthma meds" or "my car broke down". This individual rang my door at 3 am two weeks ago with this story and, after calling 911 and having this person caught and arrested... he was supposed to be locked up for 20 days in County Jail. He was apparently let out early and went right back to the neighborhood to scam more people. This picture was taken less than an hour ago at Kesher Stam where he tried a scam.... this person has a rap sheet or convictions of home break-ins and this cannot be tolerated in our community."

Here is the picture:

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