Thursday, April 21, 2011


The Haggadah says," Come let us act cunningly with the people." There was a non-Jew who knocked at the door of Noda bYehuda. Rabbi you probably you don't remember me. My father owned a bakery when I was a child and he was an angry man. He went to sell bread and he lost the money he earned.You Rabbi saw my plight and gave me the exact amount of money I lost. Now I own the bakery and I'm here to tell you a plot of the non-Jewish bakers. Since all the Jews go to the bakery after Pesach, the non-Jews put arsonic poison in their bread.Noda Byehuda made an announcement in the shul, we made a mistake today is the 7th day of Pesach not the 8th. The non-Jewish bakers went to jail all because of Noda Byehuda thoughtful gesture and saved the entire kehilla of Prague.

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