Monday, June 13, 2011

Fw: View the Chicago Center video again... or for the first time!

Dear Friends,
I am overwhelmed with gratitude to The Ribbono Shel Olam and hakaras hatov to each and every participant,
as I report on the resounding success of this year's Annual Banquet.
In a magnificent display of achdus, over 700 community members, representing all segments,
united in demonstrating a warm eagerness to support the programs and initiatives
of the Chicago Center– in making the difference.
Uplifted by the divrei Torah and divrei bracha of the Zidichover Rebbe, shlita,
while enjoying the delicious cuisine amid the elegant surroundings,
the evening proved to be a wonderful experience for participants.
The audience smiled, laughed and was moved by the video presentations,
which provided ample testament as to why our honorees are so deserving of the recognition bestowed upon them.
The Chicago Center video presentation was a special highlight of the banquet, as it poignantly showcased
the experiences and appreciation of program beneficiaries,
while demonstrating the scope of how the Chicago Center makes the difference.

To view the Chicago Center video again (9 minutes!) or for the first time, please visit the link below.

On behalf of the Chicago Center, and the thousands who rely upon our programming,
I extend a heartfelt thanks to all those who participated in the journal and the banquet.
Wishing you a wonderful summer!
Rabbi Tzvi Bider, Executive Director

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