Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Spiritual Guide to the Omer Day One of Week 7: Chesed of Malchut 43rd Day of the Omer TUESDAY NIGHT/WENSDAY

(PLEASE LEARN THIS POST FOR A YESHUA FOR Yoel Zev ben Mirel Rissa Chava AND Yaakov Yoseph ben Raizel THE BOYS IN JAPAN)

Week Seven - Malchut

Sovereignty - the last of the seven attributes - is different than the previous six. It is a state of being rather than an activity.

Leadership is a passive expression of human dignity which has nothing of its own except that which it receives from the other six emotions.

On the other hand, malchut manifests and actualizes the character and majesty of the human spirit. It is the very fiber of what makes us human. When love, discipline, compassion, endurance and humility are properly channeled into the psyche through bonding - the result is malchut. Bonding nurtures us and allows our sovereignty to surface and flourish.

Malchut is a sense of belonging. Knowing that you matter and that you make a difference. That you have the ability to be a proficient leader in your own right. It gives you independence and confidence. A feeling of certainty and authority. When a mother lovingly cradles her child in her hands and the child's eyes meet the mother's affectionate eyes, the child receives the message that I am wanted and needed in this world. I have a comfortable place where I will always be loved. I have nothing to fear. I feel like a king in my heart. This is malchut, kingship.

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