Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Dear Gruss family,

Brooke Czarka (from Gruss 5770) has been recently been admitted to the hospital for severe preeclampsia at 28 weeks of pregnancy. She is under good care, but while they have been trying to stabilize the situation in order to delay the C-section, her symptoms have worsened. She has now just lost her vision due to fluid/swelling in the brain and they are planning to deliver the baby tonight. They tell her that her symptoms are temporary and should clear up within the days following the delivery, but she really needs all our tefilot right now. Her name is Bracha Chaya bat Sara.

Please daven that the delivery goes smoothly, that the baby be born large and strong, and that Brooke should have restored health b'karov, b'ezrat Hashem.

She'tishlach refuah shelaimah l'Bracha Chaya bat Sara b'toch sha'ar cholei yisrael.

May we only have bsorot tovot!


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