Wednesday, July 13, 2011

BORUCH DAYAN EMMES: Brutal Murder Of 9-Year-Old Leiby Kletzky A”H

5:20AM EST (Wednesday): With an indescribable amount of pain, and a heavy heart, YWN regrets to inform you of the brutal murder of 9-year-old Leiby Kletzky A”H. Although the details are still unfolding, Misaskim is working closely with the NYPD and NYC Medical Examiner to ensure that the proper Kavod is given to the Niftar, who was brutally murdered.
So many organizations and community activists worked together in harmony the past few days, including Hatzolah, Shomrim, Misaskim, Chaveirim, and others. Thousands upon thousands of volunteers gave of their time, and walked the streets in the sweltering heat for hours on end, to try and find Leiby A”H. The tremendous amount of unity among Yidden, and the massive Kiddush Hashem performed in the past few days should be a Zechus for the Niftar.
A public thanks must be given to the NYPD, who for the past two days worked tirelessly on the case. They brought in every resource that the department has available, and showed incredible personal involvement. Most notably was the constant presence of Brooklyn South Chief Joseph Fox, who was seen on the streets of Boro Park for the past 48 hours.
Early Wednesday, authorities arrested three people at the Kensington home at 466 East Second Street. FBI and police had to kick the door in. A gold car was found nearby, similar to one seen in a surveillance video police uncovered during their hunt for the boy.
A man who is seen walking near the boy in the video is one of those in custody, chief police spokesman Paul J. Browne said.
Police have not given a motive for the crime.
“There is no indication at this time that the victim was known to the suspect previously,” Browne said in a statement released Wednesday morning.
“Before establishing his identity, detectives had observed the suspect in a video recorded at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, where he was seen entering a dentist’s office on 18th Avenue in Brooklyn,” Browne said. “Detectives located one of the dentists, who worked there at his home in New Jersey late last night, and established that the suspect had been in the dentist’s office on Monday to pay a bill.”
Police said that, with the assistance of a receptionist and another dentist associated with the practice, detectives tracked down records, found the name and address of the suspect, then went to his home — where he was arrested.
Boruch Dayan Emmes…

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