Wednesday, July 27, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] AND CCHF Community Safety Alert!

There have been various home thefts and scams in our neighborhoods in recent weeks, by perpetrators using different means to gain access into the home, and to personal information.

Therefore, please be advised, and share this information with your family and friends:

1. NEVER open the door to a repairman, delivery man or any service that you did not order, or have no knowledge of. There have been recent robberies that were perpetrated by people posing as servicemen.

2. BE WARY of people posing as new neighbors, who gain entry into the home, and then use the opportunity to steal. One such deception involved a white couple in their 20s, in a light colored mini-van.

3. Ringing your doorbell or knocking on your door could also be a method of burglars to ascertain if anyone is home. Incidents of teenagers knocking on doors to learn if people are home have been reported. Do NOT open the door, but make it clear someone is home.

4. There are people canvassing the neighborhood, promoting offers like buying the NY Times, at a discounted rate. Do NOT provide them any information, such as your signature, credit card, etc. This is an attempt to acquire your personal information for theft.

5. Please report any suspicious activity to the police immediately, by dialing 911.

A Public Service Message from Refoenu in conjunction with PPGNCP, supported by the Chicago Police Department

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