Sunday, July 24, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] Please Daven

Sent from Israel:

1] CHAIM DOVID ben Nechamacontinues to need our tefilot urgently – a pre-surgical check revealed that to remove the [brain} tumor, the surgeon might also have to remove part of a lung, the vena cava and phrenic nerve. Please daven that all go well with the surgery this Monday July 25th and that the surgeon be able to remove the entire tumor without having to remove too much of anything else. It is fine to share his name with other davening lists or to give his name for misheberach in shul.
He is in America. Surgery is scheduled for Monday 12 pm EST (7 pm Israeli time). Thanks for your tefillos. He needs every one of them right now.

2] Preemie Rachel bas Basya is again hospitalized, keeps turning blue, stops breathing. Please daven.

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