Monday, July 11, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] Search Underway For 9-Year-Old Child in Boro Park

Hundreds of volunteers are searching the streets of Boro Park, Monday night, for a 9-year-old child who never returned home from day camp.

Boro Park Shomrim, Hatzolah, Shomrim from Flatbush and Williamsburg, Chaveirim, and the NYPD, are all looking for the missing child, who has not been seen since 5:00PM.

The tzibur is requested to daven for Yehudah Leib Ben Ita Esther for his safe return home.

Boro Park Shomrim, Hatzolah, Shomrim from Flatbush, Chaveirim, and the NYPD, are all looking for 9-year-old Leiby Kletzky. He responds to the name “Leiby”.

He was wearing black sneakers, navy pants, grey and white blue striped shirt, and has light brown hair, and has black glasses.



YWN A second video, which was released late Tuesday night, showed the boy walking behind another man, according to police. Investigators believe Kletzky may have gotten into the man’s gold-colored sedan.

Kletzky may have stopped to talk to a man and followed him in the opposite direction. Tuesday, the boy’s father went with detectives to watch the video and confirm it was his son, CBS 2′s Sean Hennessey reported.

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