Tuesday, August 30, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] Names of Terrorist Victims in 2 recent attacks

Albert ben Miriam is a soldier in compulsory service who immigrated from France in 2002. He was run over at the police roadbloack and suffered serious injuries to his legs and head. He underwent surgery and is sedated in the intensive care unit.

Or ben Mali is a soldier in compulsor service. He was run over byat the police roadblock and suffered serious head injuries. He underwent surgery and is sedated in the intensive care unit.

Naor ben Nava is an officer in the border police. He was injured when the car rammed the roadblock, and suffered serious injuries to the neck and head. He underwent surgery and is now sedated in the intensive care unit.

- Southern, near Eilat - on August 18:

Gal ben Smadar suffered shrapnel injuries to his legs and has had pins inserted to stabilize his legs. He was moved from intensive care to the orthopedic ward on Monday (August 22). His condition has stabilized, but he has a long recovery ahead of him.

Guy ben Rina was released from hospital on Sunday and is recovering at home.

Chagai ben Rachel suffered shrapnel injuries to his arms. His condition is stable, and doctors expect to release him from hospital before the weekend.

Matan ben Ayelet was released from hospital on Sunday and is recovering at home.
Sagi ben Chana suffered shrapnel injuries to his arms and is in stable condition in hospital. He will be moved to the rehab ward within the next few days.

- from rocket attack in Ashdod - on August 19:

Shmuel Ze'ev Shimon ben Esther Chaya suffered damage to his internal organs. He has undergone a number of operations and had one kidney removed. He was injured on his birthday.

Yitzchak Meir ben Malka Leah suffered injuries and internal bleeding in the lungs.

Eitan ben Chana suffered moderate injuries to his upper limbs. Doctors hope to release him from hospital before the weekend.

Antonina bat Sara suffered a broken pelvis and had surgery to repair the damage.

- Seriously injured in the GRAD rocket attack in Beer Sheva - on August 20:

Adel Leah bat Chaviva was critically injured in the rocket attack. Rav Ovadia Yosef added the name Leah to her name. She suffered injuries to his abdomen and remains in intensive care.

Eliyahu ben Masouda is Adel's father. He suffered injuries to his arms and leg. Doctors hope to release him from hospital before the weekend.

Chaviva bat Mazal is Adel's mother. She suffered injuries to her legs. Doctors hope to release her from the hospital before the weekend.

Zehava bat Chana suffered serious injuries to her limbs, and required surgery to replace bones and nerves. She will require prolonged rehabilitation.

Penina bat Itta was moderately injured in her limbs.

Lior ben Esther suffered shrapnel and burn injuries to his legs and back, and damage to his circulatory system.

Netanel ben Anna lost a leg in the attack. Doctors are still trying to save his second leg, after serious injuries to his circulatory system. Netanel will be moved to the rehab unit within the next few days.

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